working group

Information Technologies to Equity Access to Information


General Objectives

To subsidize the definition of strategical actions and direction lines for the Virtual Health Library (VHL), through of technical recommendations, with the vision of the information technologies as path to the equitable access to the information.

Specific Objectives

1.  To evaluate the internal and external technological variables to VHL;

2.  To evaluate the world-wide trends in information technologies focused in information and knowledge management;

3.  To discuss relative questions to the equitable access to the digital technologies and the scientific and technical information and as they influence the VHL development strategy and use.


1. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of the information technologies used by VHL identified;

2.  Equity in the access to the information defined in the scope of the application and use of information technologies;

3.  Recommendations to the VHL model, architecture and technological solution defined in accordance with its analysis SWOT and vision of equity in the access to the information.

The Target

The target of this work group is segmented in 3 profiles, in ensure the participation and contribution of professionals in information technologies area  (managers, coordinators, systems analysts, technical support analysts, researchers, professors, government, etc), users of technological solutions (managers, policy makers, government, health area professionals, general public, professors, laboratories, etc) and suppliers and investigators of the information technologies sector (IT and services companies, internacional and governmental organizations, etc).